clipsound alcatraz
UMBERTO MAster talks

UMBERTOMASTER: trailerclips

neat Undertaker for Pax, glamourous, creative US*KILLER  works for world wide real estate maffia agency: NEW MEDIA and MEDIA PAX he acts in style of a new school night clubber to perform as the old school undertaker for the dirty work. dressed in latest designer cloth

where is this dirty german  bitch
-Umberto master killer 
United states of america
Out in Europe to do the dirty work for media pax " ich kümmer mich um euch!!"

Look: glamourous Characteristics: reads the bible and loves his mom


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Umberto master killer  from United states of america

Out in Europe to do the dirty work for media pax

Look: glamourous

Characteristics: reads the bible and loves his mom




UMBERTO: murmurs to himself
was für groteske opfer_thrill garantied- I´m your bloody undertaker I´ll take care, ich bin euer blutiger beschützer-- ich kümmer mich um euch ! !!!!

mister umberto master the master of creativity
of Plüschecken Massaker and the TV special: BIZZARRE MORDE a 100% BULLET PROOF BOX OFFICE - to the masses. barcelona killer residence gamelevel
"where is this dirty german  bitch"
"they call me alcatraz ´cause I´m hard as a rock"
UMBERTO: murmurs to himself
was für groteske opfer_thrill garantied- I´m your bloody undertaker I´ll take care, ich bin euer blutiger beschützer-- -( kreischt )... ich kümmer mich um euch ! !
mister umberto master the master of creativity of Plüschecken Massaker and the TV special: BIZZARRE MORDE a 100% BULLET PROOF BOX OFFICE - to the masses.